What is Technology ?

Posted by Deo Pradipta on | { 4 comments }

What is Technology ? - The technology has been used by many people as the means and sources of information are very limited, almost every aspect of the technology is helpful or useful to make it easy for someone to do the heavy work. Someone using the technology because humans have intelligence and mind. Intellect and thoughts resolve any problems encountered or could be interpreted to master technologies that led to the development of its own technology occurs. That's the meaning of 'what is technology? '            

Humans are never satisfied with what he already has, the inability to do something and want to do the hard work is the reason why people are never satisfied. Because humans have passions, thoughts and desires. That's the factor why it will not stop the development of technology, the technology will continue to evolve and continue to grow until the termination seconds. With the development of technology, obviously will be born positive and negative impacts that will arise, so that the impact of all depends on the person using it.                                                                                         

The development of technology is the development of a true world civilization which provides plenty of access to the changing patterns of social life throughout the world. With conditions like these, triggering changes in the education system in the world. Efforts are made is believed to increase the educational system, which makes education more interesting, not boring anymore and no longer feared students in participating in the learning process too curb..

..The world of education is required to always follow the development of science and technology is developing rapidly. The use of technology in education is expected to make students become more creative and more competitive. In the context of education, a growing learning model is able to introduce a lot of technology-based learning with a variety of terms used.
What is Technology ?

"What is technology?" Could also translate a lot of different views. The following definition of the technology according to experts, drawn from http://definisipengertian.com/2012/pengertian-definisi-teknologi-menurut-para-ahli/ !  #has been translated ^_^
Often held separation, even a conflict between science and fundamental scientific research on the one hand and on the other, applied science and applied research. However, one other fact should be seen as two complementary lines that complement each other, even as the vessel related; may be distinguished, but should not be separated from each other (Djoyohadikusumo 1994, 223).
And also this.
Technology is a defining characteristic of human nature that is part of history covering the whole history. Technology, according Djoyohadikusumo (1994, 222) is closely related to science and engineering. 
Based on my own mind, with the advent of technology will make more darkness and ignorance. However, with the mastery of the technology will be able to create intelligence and pleasure. -deopradipta-

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Title: What is Technology ? | Written by Deo Pradipta | Rating Article: 4.5 from 5

{ 4 comments... read them below or add one }

SAKE XP said...

nice info..

Unknown said...

thanks for your praise d^_^b

Anonymous said...
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Australian broadband service provider said...

Being an Australian broadband service provider I am aware that technology will very useful in my daily life especially if used wisely.

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